In lieu of our science conferences we are
hosting three FREE virtual events.
The first one is on October 24th and October 25th
Mad Science Company will be the facilitator
Topic: Girls in Science - Engineering Grades 1-G3
Time: Oct 24, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time
Topic: Girls in Science - Engineering Grades 4-G6
Time: Oct 25, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Eastern Time
Engineering Program for both groups Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6.
Encourages girls to use critical thinking,cooperation and creative problem-solving to test and improve creations using the Engineering Design Process.
Features an Engineering Design Challenge in each class which provides girls with a problem to solve including constraints that must be considered, tests to perform and modifications to try.
Provides an opportunity to extend the learning process at home with a take home toy to reinforce the engineering themes and concepts discovered in each class.
Zoom information will be provided upon registration. First come first served. We can only accommodate 25 students on Saturday and 25 on Sunday so sign up early.